Working Groups

The FICC Council established the Working Groups (WGs) to provide a forum for members of the Chamber who have an interest in a particular industry sector / or topic area to discuss areas of interest and to work together to inform the wider membership of the Chamber about events and developments that may be of interest to the Chamber as a whole. 

Each committee organizes meetings open to FICC members 4 to 5 times a year and discusses major themes in French-Irish affairs to enable professionals to find solutions adapted to their problems by sharing experiences.


CEO Forum

Provides a forum for business leaders in the chamber to share experiences and thought processes relating to important themes...

Tech Working Group

Raising the profile of FICC as an ICT savvy Chamber of Commerce able to help members understand ICT challenges and solutions...

Working Group News

Analyses & Studies

Brèves économiques d'Irlande

The Service Economique of the French Embassy in Ireland share their observations on the second quarter of 2024 through an Irish economic lens.  ...

All news

Your experience is our wealth.

If you would like to communicate and share your knowledge & experience with like-minded FICC members, then join one of our 8 Working Groups !
