Become a Patron
Are you a large company?
Do you want to join the Council of the Chamber?
Do you wish to be highly involved in driving the future strategy of FICC?
FICC currently has 36 Patron members of which 70% are large French companies based in Ireland.
The other 30% are large Irish companies that have significant investment and trade in France.
Many of the CEO’s of the Patrons are involved as Directors on the Council of FICC with responsibility for driving forward the future strategy and business development of the Chamber. The Patrons have the opportunity to meet regularly at Council Meetings (held 5 times per year), Patron-only events (held at least 3 times per year) and at CEO Forum meetings.
They are also prioritised for the sponsorship of FICC events that have a strong Franco-Irish business slant.
If your company would like to find out more about becoming a Patron, please contact
Cliona McGowan, Director, France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (c.mcgowan@franceireland.ie)
and she will gladly meet you to present FICC activities and the benefits for FICC Patrons.