Mary MulveyDirector Board of Tourism Ireland

Mary has been involved in Tourism Sustainability since 2005 Green box – 2005-2009 Irelands first Ecotourism Destination -set global ecolabel standards and 4 global awards Overall responsibility 7 staff & 3 projects Budget €3 Million, Training and Certification Lead and programmed 2 All island Conferences Eco.
Ecotourism Ireland Founder 09—2019 Design Irelands criteria and international recognition of certification standards in Ecotourism. Delivery of up 20 bespoke training programmes, design online modules. tourism,
Mary served for many years on Global Sustainability Tourism Council who set standards, The Ecotourism Ireland label she developed with partners and agencies was in first 12 in the world in 2012. She has worked with on recent Govt Publication 2019
The Tourism industry in Ireland has been slow to adapt at agency level Tourism Ireland and Fáilte Ireland and as part of above policy document of Sustainable Tourism Principles she interviewed over 60 leaders about sustainability in tourism the most commented term was leadership is required . She has been tireless her my advocacy to bring real sustainability to tourism development and marketing and supply chains
In July2020 she was appointed to Tourism Ireland board for hey sustainability experience and expertise .In 2021 she completed AL Gore Climate Reality Leaders course.