Mary HonohanPartner, PwC

Mary Honohan is an experienced Partner in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) practice of PwC Dublin, Ireland. Mary has over 25 years’ experience of advising French, US, UK and other MNCs investing in Ireland on a range of tax and related matters including setting up in Ireland, IP planning and location optimisation, VCT transactions, cross – border financing, entrepreneur / principal company location, business restructuring and holding companies. Her clients are MNCs in the life sciences, technology, manufacturing and retail and consumer industries.
She has extensive experience in advising on financial structures as well as tax due diligence reviews and other M & A activity.
Mary is a Chartered Tax Adviser and was President of the Irish Tax Institute for 2015 / 16.
Mary is a member of the Council of Directors of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce. She is also Chairperson of WG Climate Response - La vie en vert.